
Before having kids, my husband I loved to travel. Then we started procreating. And dragging three babies...toddlers...preschoolers on road trips and through airports and hotels was an activity reserved solely for obligatory family gatherings. Toss in some special needs and quirky personalities, and it made for more fights than fun.

But now that the kids are older (and I'm further entrenched in their dictatorship), my bar for "fun travel" has been considerably lowered. Fine dining is a thing of the past and window shopping means simply that: peeking through the windows of those charming shops I once perused at my leisure. But my lens has also changed. I'm far more interested in watching my children explore the world than a five star meal and souvenirs that aren't made of plastic (well...most of the time).

After some surprisingly enjoyable trips over the past year, I realized that I actually like to travel again. So I decided to take my children on a month-long cross country road trip this summer. Obviously. If you'd like full details on the who, what, when, where, why and how of that, read this, and then this and then this.

This blog is where I will keep all of my research, discoveries and various travel stories from the past...then finally, we'll post updates about the trip itself. Probably daily, as I will be traveling with children and this blog will constitute the majority of my adult interaction.

Have any tips, suggestions, advice, links...? Let me know! Your account of a trip to Mount Rushmore will be far more interesting and helpful than the basic tourist info I can find online.

Feel free to e-mail me  at kate@mamadontcamp.com. I'd love to hear from you.

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